Maine-based Peregrine Turbine Technologies, LLC (Wiscasset, Maine) has developed and is approaching commercial deployment of two advanced, breakthrough power generation systems:

  • A Thermal Energy Storage system that is 1/3 the cost of LI-Ion battery solutions with twice the life and none of the toxic reprocessing issues.
  • An advanced biomass fueled power generation system that can operate on a wide variety of woody biomass materials and refuse derived fuels (RDF). The system is 1.7 times the efficiency of best available current biomass and steam technology systems. The system is modular, can be deployable in 1 MW increments, and operates with limited need for operator support.

Peregrine’s supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) enabled system is being developed and tested in conjunction with the DOE’s Sandia National laboratories, the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), and the Office of Naval Research (ONR) and with funding support from Maine Technology Institute (MTI), as well as over 30 private individuals and family offices. Peregrine is majority owned and operated by its’ two Maine-based founders, who are committed to keeping the technology and technical and operating jobs based in Maine. Production of the TES and biomass-fired units will take place in Maine creating hundreds of high-value jobs.